Friday, September 18, 2009


Hi everyone, This is Qinglan Lu. I'm a Chinese speaker who's currently learning Japanese in the United States. There are many reasons for me to take Japanese classes. Reading Japanese comics(manga) and watching Japanese cartoon dramas have been my favorite pastimes. But I always have to wait for a long time for the translated version. What is worse, sometimes the translation is so bad that I cannot get the original flavor of the stories. If I knew Japanese I could enjoy the books and dramas as soon as they come out. Another reason I wanted to learn Japanese is because my dad actually speaks Japanese very well but he never managed to teach me. I think being able to speak different languages is really cool and I don't want to be "less cool" than my dad. The most exciting thing about japanese classes so far is what we are doing now----starting our japanese blogs! And being able to type in japansese? Awesome! I hope we'll keep writing new posts. One day we'll look back on these and laugh. LOL.


Stephen said...

Hey Qinglan! I like your reasons for taking Japanese; they're similar to mine. ;p I'd love to talk about anime with you some time. ^_^ Looking forward to blogging with you!

Jade said...

Hey 青蓝さん~
( ゚▽゚)/コンバンハ
haha  给我留言居然三段三种语言
すごいですね (^-^*)
Template是在main page どんどんにほんご 里
べんりなリンク the first one "Suck My Lolly's Free Blogger Designs" 里面~
有很多呢~ 超かわいいです!